Category: hosting

St Marys Art Centre in Sandwich

New website for Sandwich art centre

Long term client (Sandwich Events) Siobhan Matthews contacts OHM requesting costs to take over her St Mary’s Art Centre project website. With the existing web designers Open Sandwich Design releasing some web projects due to ill health, it was an honor to be asked to not only take over the hosting but upgrade a very professional web design. The new website will continue with the same successful layout that’s already taking bookings for events, but also add more value with simplified access to important booking forms and information PDFs. OHM also assisted with a new logo design using Adobe Illustrator, this will ensure the new logo is future proof for...

game meat butcher in Kent

Game Meat e-commerce shop website SPECIAL OFFER

Turners Game Meats and Poultry are a 3rd generation, Kent butcher based in Canterbury. Their well designed website however was broken and out of date but their original designer wasn’t available. OHM very rarely take on 3rd party designed websites but in this case we liked the existing set-up and agreed to host. First step was to fix the elements that were not working like the SSL certificate that was missing therefore the web pages were being blocked by most potential new customers browsers. Products and prices were also in need of correction plus most of the plug-ins that are used to help design the web pages needed to be...

victorian fireplace new website

Old Victorian Fireplace website goes up in smoke

Probably one of our oldest web clients, The Victorian Fireplace based in Canterbury have been with us from the very beginning of web design. Their 3rd reincarnation is not only the best but the most flexible design using the WordPress platform for Google and mobile device conformity. The owner Jon Griffith is very particular about the design with a fleet of vans, signage and stationery all using the same corporate design, we had to create as close a match as possible. There is more work to be completed and content changes in the pipeline but with WordPress and our free WordPress training package, Jon will get his perfect match (our...

Client email server upgrade December 2022 migration information

As you are aware (clients), we are upgrading our email server. Emails have always been a FREE service offered to all new web design clients. To continue this service we are migrating your email account(s) and website to a new server. Why are we upgrading? Servers (like computers) become obsolete as technology, support and security move forward. Our present server has been deemed by our hosts as getting to it’s end date so to ensure the best support, a new server is required. How does the upgrade/migration affect the client? In theory there will be very little disruption to your email traffic as the transfer process is a mirror of...

free updates for web pages in kent

FREE website updates for OHM clients

As part of our web hosting, Oast House Media have always offered a FREE updates service to all web design clients using our servers. We have been aware that some updates my be required in the life of a website. Apart from our ‘behind the scenes’ updates to servers, WordPress and plug-ins, we also carry out minor updates for clients FREE of charge.. An example of this is Teynham Construction based in Sittingbourne who have a legal/contractual requirement to update their document downloads section. This web page contains PDF downloads for insurance, public liability, waste management etc certificates. OHM upload the new certificates and add to their download page. It’s...

web name domains gtld

Web name reseller making it not so easily

When Oast House Media was incorporated in 2004 we were print and web designers with the trend towards website design. Using our wealth of print management experience we knew we needed to partner with some reliable, good value UK web service suppliers. One such company came highly recommended: The Oast House Media portfolio of web names were all purchased through At the time they were very efficient, good value and most importantly accessible to discuss any issues arising. Having found a great service we started to recommend to all our new web design clients who, based on our feedback, commenced their web design process with an

nigel stevenson media design consultancy

Nigel Stevenson Consultancy new web design

A rare moment to blow ones own trumpet, Oast House Media director Nigel Stevenson is also a media consultant working in Kent with new and established businesses on their corporate web and print design requirements. “I’ve been in the media business now for over 40 years and created the consultancy company for over 10 of these but the old website was not sending the right message. Using the content of ‘On Your Marks’ written for new businesses I’ve redesigned and populated the web pages with factual content and images. There are also many ‘top tips’ to help anyone buy media save time and money” The new web pages are packed...

who is the best website designer in kent

Best web designers in Kent?

It’s not easy to gauge value when it comes to a service like web design is it? If you pop into Tescos to buy you favourite choccy bar and it’s cheaper than the corner shop, that’s better value. If you have a favourite tipple and it’s more expensive in the wine bar than your local pub but you prefer the ambiance? Is that good value, or are you balancing cost against an experience, so called ‘customer satisfaction’. Take this a step further and we find find ourselves indulging in some products (and services) that don’t just take us from A to B the quickest way, they also give enjoyment. The...

website hosting services in kent

New server upgrades nearing completion

Over the past new months Oast House media have been working with their hosting support guys transferring websites to our new servers. Hopefully you wont notice a thing, so why do it? As with any ‘tech’, hosting systems are improving all the time. We estimate a new server upgrade is required every 5 years to keep on top and in line with industry requirements, ie: speed, security, maintenance, integration, back-ups (key issues that are continuously monitored). All of this and investment in new equipment/software is an ongoing process. We talk to our support team nearly every day and enjoy fantastic response times. If you have ever had cause to report...

priority electrical web design gillingham kent

New website for Gillingham Electrical Wholesaler goes live

After a close call with Covid19, Priority Electrical owner Simon Fowler requested a quick re-design of their old website. Having prepared the ground with the previous overseas based design company, Oast House Media managed the web name transfer to a UK registrar and created a temporary holding page. With the site web page still not 100% complete, Simon asked to go live so he could let all his Medway. Kent customers know that they are still trading and open for business. This works well for the client with the Facebook feed we installed allowing staff to add daily updates without any training on how to edit the WordPress web page...