
New on-line training WordPress website coming soon

Elite Social Care professionals have been clients for many years and have already had 2 websites designed by Oast House Media. With the on-line training market expanding Elite have joined forces with VideoTile to open their skills to the on-line training sector New WordPress website design coming very soon:

BT down again, rubbish service affects 1000’s of website owners

It’s well known that the BT service is pretty appalling, so much so that the Government wants to sell parts of it off. The UK is way behind other EU countries on broadband speeds and some areas still can not achieve more than 2mb. Today BT’s network crashed again and 1000s of customers lost not just the internet but e-commerce payment lines and of course telephone lines costing £1000’s in lost business. It is appalling when you think BT have poured £1,000,000s into football coverage. Why not do what you are paid to do correctly first then go off and play? see: BBC web page #BTdown

askew google search

Using Google and searches with strange results!

Google has built into its algorithm some fun tricks (if you’re a nerds like us) to pass the long web designing hours away. It’s nice to know Google has a sense of humor (don’t mention tax) as well as being the UK’s top search engine. Did you know that if your search Google for ‘askew‘ the results page is askew? Or “do a barrel roll“, the entire page rotates? Try these as well: “Zerg Rush“, “Anagram” and one for St Valentines day “(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2)” More Google tricks Anne Witton explains some more Google search tricks that make this search engine the best in the world

Why is UK hosting for web pages so important?

Website hosting is a bit like the store cupboard in your office, always there, under lock and key, gets a bit dusty; you know the score. In fact it’s probably the most important part of your website because without it you wouldn’t have a web presence. I wont go into too much detail as there are so may elements that make up hosting but basically it’s were your web pages and emails are held. Your web name points at these pages so when someone finds your web details on Google or a web link the inquiry is routed to either your home page (default) or the specific page referred to,...

companies house

Limited Company? – what you have to disclose by law on your website and emails

On my travels I meet many businesses, some of them are limited companies. In 2008 there was a bit of a shake up with the information you must disclose on your letterheads, emails etc The biggest change was that the new laws embraced the internet, specifically emails, recognising them as official methods of correspondence. In other words you have to now disclose the company’s registered information in full on all correspondence See: Now, you’re probably thinking that 2008 was a long time ago, but I’ll wager a small amount of your money that if you checked your email archive a large number of your Limited Company messages do not...

all mobile web devices

New website designs flooding in!

No pun intended! It’s been a terrible week for weather in East Kent but for some reason many existing clients have spent the Christmas break seriously thinking about their website designs and contacting us for re-design prices and delivery. Back in November we issued a special offer to selected clients with older websites that we thought needed a makeover. The offer went very well and as you can see from past post like Padfield Thatchers, we’ve already started to deliver the new Google mobile friendly responsive website designs. We’ve also had a few new clients join us and proposals are still out waiting for approval – looking good for 2016....

MA Roadshow website design

Disco website, just in time for Christmas

I met the new prospective client in a transport café just off the A2 near Canterbury. A busy man running 2 businesses in north Kent, we both agreed website design discussions go well with a bacon sandwich and a mug of tea! And so it was proved to be correct, we firmed up on pages, content and a price within 30 minutes and spent the rest of our meeting talking about cricket. That’s what I call a constructive days work and the website has everything the client wanted – good text content, images and videos all held together in an imaginative WordPress website design. Social media links and editable Google friendly...

google knowledge

Google misery index

It will come as no surprise to read that Google can also see how miserable we are. Despite your initial thoughts on this subject December is not a bad time to talk about misery as the festive month is the least depressing.

Padfield Thatchers website

Kent Thatcher website goes live

About 7 years ago we got a knock on the door, a large proportioned man filled up the porch which was a tad disconcerting. “Your thatched roof has been damaged, can I give you a price” came the sales pitch, followed quickly by “It looks like an insurance claim” The gentleman turned out to be a really nice guy who, as a master thatcher’ regularly patrols all the known Kent thatched properties in search of work. As it happens his timing was immaculate as he visited us a few days after a storm that had caused damage to the SW facing elevation and ridge. Our insurer confirmed the claim was...

Matt Cutts Google

Google search result ‘Snippets’ and how they work

Google calls the results you see on their search pages ‘snippets’, a cute little name for probably one of the most important areas of your website. But where is the content Google uses? Google uses sophisticated search programs to cache text from your website and one of the most important areas are the <title> and <description> tag areas. Google has rules about their use and to compound the problem you can’t edit them without the correct tools. Our WordPress website design platform is configured with a tool for adding/editing the <title> and <description> tags, it looks like this: Let me explain: A = The simulated view on a Google search results...