
Google in court over trust monopoly

Google Anti-trust law suit. Good or bad?

A judge in Columbia has decided that Google, one of the worlds biggest businesses, it in breach of trust.

Google Gemini Ai

Have you met [Google] Gemini yet?

Google launched its Gemini Ai platform at the end of 2023 after months of speculation. It’s Googles new flagship Ai search tool and very powerful.

St Marys Art Centre in Sandwich

New website for Sandwich art centre

Long term client (Sandwich Events) Siobhan Matthews contacts OHM requesting costs to take over her St Mary’s Art Centre project website. With the existing web designers Open Sandwich Design releasing some web projects due to ill health, it was an honor to be asked to not only take over the hosting but upgrade a very professional web design. The new website will continue with the same successful layout that’s already taking bookings for events, but also add more value with simplified access to important booking forms and information PDFs. OHM also assisted with a new logo design using Adobe Illustrator, this will ensure the new logo is future proof for...

Microsoft 19-7-2024 crash

Microsoft crash causes havoc

Although we enjoy the IT world we now live in, when it breaks we are stuffed! Luckily this is a rare occurrence but today Microsoft broke the www. Well done to whoever pressed the button today but it goes to prove just how fragile our IT infrastructure is.

Bay markets opening in Manston and Ramsgate

New markets in Ramsgate and Manston

Web design clients Bray Markets based in Reading manage markets around South East England. In the past months they’ve managed to secure 2 new sites at Ramsgate and Manston in East Kent

Lofty Ladders at the Kent Show

Kent Show 2024

OHM put The Kent Show top of the businesses exhibitions list every year. Combined with a family and friends get-together. Apart from the steam, sheep and antiques the show offers a great opportunity for OHM to meet and greet local businesses.

Athenaeum Treasury web design

New website for memorabilia shop

Athenaeum Treasury based near Canterbury have had an Ebay presence for some time and built up a large collection of memorabilia for sale. However, as with most Ebay shop owners the commission payments and rigorous selling regulations make some Ebay shop owners to look for alternatives. Owner Nick was in a similar situation, not wanting to completely divorce the Ebay relationship but to enhance his shops overall web presence with an independent shop window OHM also assisted with the new branding and logo design that can be used not Tony for websites and social media but if required: wide format printing, lith printing, adverts and even workwear. see website:

MPS charity golf day

OHM support local charity events

May 24, OHM are involved with several local golf fund raising initiatives and every year we make a big effort for MPS.

MPS charity golf day

MPS Charity Golf Day and Sponsored Run

OHM are involved with several local golf fund raising initiatives and every year we make a big effort for MPS. This was the 7th charity event hosted by Charity organiser and friend Kevin Mullins who’s son is fighting an incredibly rare life limiting disease MPS [see]. OHM Director Nigel Stevenson was asked to beg, borrow and steal 4 ball golf vouchers from local golf clubs, helping to raise over £4,000 for MPS.   OHM also sponsored directors daughter Jenny Sims who managed to complete the annual 100kn run from London (Richmond) to Brighton (Kemptown) raising over £1,000 for food charities in Hampshire and Sussex

martin file osteopath web design

Faversham Osteopath gets hands on treatment

Martin File Osteopathy based in Faversham is another Wix victim that’s seen the light! Fed up with Wix support (or lack of it) and unable to make changes to his web page content, Martin took good advice from near neighbours and web design clients Faversham Feet and took the plunge with our web design services. The logo also needed a makeover so we put together a new logo design using our trade standard logo design program Adobe Illustrator which will allow Martin to use the new design for all future media (print, signage, adverts etc). Martin is a self confessed techno phobic so we also assisted with his Wix CP...