On my travels I meet many businesses, some of them are limited companies. In 2008 there was a bit of a shake up with the information you must disclose on your letterheads, emails etc
The biggest change was that the new laws embraced the internet, specifically emails, recognising them as official methods of correspondence. In other words you have to now disclose the company’s registered information in full on all correspondence
See: www.companieshouse.gov.uk/infoAndGuide/faq/tradingDisclosures.shtml
Now, you’re probably thinking that 2008 was a long time ago, but I’ll wager a small amount of your money that if you checked your email archive a large number of your Limited Company messages do not have the legal minimum requirement of disclosure.
It could result in a fine! We already pay Mr Osborne too much money, don’t let a school boy error make him richer!
Q. What do I need to display in my business letters, orders and websites?
A. The company name, number, place of registration, and its registered office address.
If you are a limited company, check your website and email signatures are correct. We recommend a ‘company’ page with full details about your company as a reference point for all web pages
Here’s an email signature that we use on all e-correspondence, feel free to adapt for your own messages
Oast House Media Limited. Registered company of England and Wales No. 4064412. Registered Office: Farm Cottage, Cherry Lane, Great Mongeham, Kent CT14 0HG. Directors: N Stevenson, WA Stevenson. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority states them to be the views of Oast House Media Limited. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message.