
Florin Press new e-commerce shop website

The Florin Press is a unique tribute to traditional printing, a process you would have seen in every major city throughout Europe 300 years ago. It takes a highly skilled and experience technician to be able to create print on hand made papers using inks prepared on site and etched wooden blocks. Owner Graham Williams contacted OHM earlier in the year with a request to create a web design that enables on-line purchases of these beautiful creations. The end product is an amazing study of hand crafted books and prints available to purchase. OHM director Nigel Stevenson also has connections with the litho press printing trades: “It has been an...

Jack Stevenson – the next generation of design

It’s always nice to show off a bit about your kids especially when they have a bit of success, son Jack Stevenson is alas the only off spring to join director Nigel Stevenson in the design trades.   “Like me, Jack also studied at Medway College of Design but these days it’s accredited with university status. I left art college with a City and Guilds, Jack has a design degree. Same meat different gravy you could say but it was nice to know we both shared the same inspirational space. After leaving college in 1975 I started work with GEC Marconi at Rochester Airport and 23 years later aspired to...

Limited Company? You need to read this declaration requirement for all UK websites

As web designers in Kent we work with a range of company types from sole traders to LTDs, recently we’ve noticed that some LIMITED companies are not complying to the law which requires all LIMITED companies to declare their status, here’s a direct quote from the government website: Stationery and promotional material You must include your company’s name on all company documents, publicity and letters. On business letters, order forms and websites, you must show: the company’s registered number its registered office address where the company is registered (England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) the fact that it’s a limited company (usually by spelling out the company’s full...

Wordpress Website Designer Canterbury

Brexit logo – clever design or created in a rush?

Oast House Media have been designing logos for local businesses for over 20 years. It’s not as simple as some of the designs look, for a start they have to reproduce on all media from embroidered workwear, web designs, litho printing to large format posters and signage. Over the years we’ve created some nice work and still see our handiwork on vans, websites and adverts. When we saw the new Brexit logo we were intrigued because even this had raised the eyebrows of the electoral elite. If you voted in the Euro election you would have seen the black/white version of the Brexit logo clearly pointing at the vote box...

Print design and production for music school

Long before the web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, Oast House Media director Nigel Stevenson was designing for print. It’s not something we advertise but it’s always nice when a print job comes into the office. Make Time for Music have been print customers for nearly 10 years so it was nice to get a new design commission from new owner James Walker. James required a flyer to promote his music tuition in schools, the design had to be DL size, quick to read and eye catching. Oast House Media sourced the free high quality images and created the design. OHM also managed the proof process, print production and delivery....

WordPress web design upgrade for old client

Local garden maintenance client Carrington & Son have been web design clients for over 6 years but owner Neil Carrington knew it was time to get his web pages ‘mobile friendly’ having read our Newsletters. The new WordPress web design is closely based on the old format using the same content (text created by co-director Wendy Stevenson) but Oast House Media also sourced new free images, upgraded the Google SEO and re-designed the pages so they are mobile responsive. We also created the unique icons you can see on the web pages.        

New website for Ivy

Neil Carrington contacted Oast House Media earlier in the month requesting a WordPress upgrade for his old static page design (Garden Services) plus a new 4 page website for his new business – Ivy Removal. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of removing ivy from your property you will know it is a gardeners nightmare, but did you know it’s poisonous? It’s also very difficult to completely eradicate, leave one tiny bit of the plant and in the right conditions it will grow back. That’s why Neil identified this niche area in the gardening services market and requested the new website, complimenting the existing services already offer on the main...

operation brock in kent

How Operation Brock could affect businesses in East Kent

Dover based web design clients LCL International are ‘Brexit Ready’ so if you want to catch up on the latest Brexit road plans for East Kent go no further than their blog page: There’s an excellent Highways England road map showing the planed phased traffic release which might affect your travel plans should Operational Tap and Operation Stack fail. This will also include a stacking system similar to the Dover Tap on the A256 approach to Whitfield, permanent traffic lights and signage is already in place. Postscript Many thanks to OHM web design client Councillor Stephen Manion (Dover) who’s emailed over these useful links about local business and Brexit...

website design for mobile devices

Low cost web design for start-up businesses in East Kent from just £450.00 inc

Not every business can afford a big budget web presence, charities and clubs struggle to find funds for websites, new business start-ups have to be careful with outgoings. These are all good reasons to consider a low cost web design – will there be a compromise on quality? No! The compromise will be on the number of pages you can have but with training you can add these yourself because all our website can be edited by the client. Our post design support and training is free so you could opt for our £450 entry level web design package that includes… first years hosting 3 web pages theme design layout...

web designers newsletter

March 2019 Web Design Newsletter now available

Our latest newsletter is now available – keeping clients up to date with all web design news and information. Every couple of months we let all our web design clients know about changes in the web design world, what’s happening on the WWW and new clients. This month we talk about… GoTopSEO, new Google SEO services available to OHM web design clients 3 clients get an OHM booster referal 4 new clients go live WordPress web design news about updates e-mail stack issues old web page upgrade to WordPress offer See: march-19-newsletter