Over the past couple of years we’ve been spending more time working with high volume email users. By definition, these are normally companies with more than 3 email accounts (per web name) and/or using the imap mail delivery system.
Our mail servers are limited to a storage capacity of 500mb or less, this is more than enough for pop3 users (usually office desktop devices) but we are seeing an increasing usage from iPhone device users, that’s because the iPhone/imap email process doesn’t delete a message from the server after it has been viewed. This so called ‘stacking’ is removing valuable server space from other web services.
As from 1st January 2020 OHM have decided to…
- ask all ‘stacking’ email clients to delete read messages or transfer to Office365
- ask all 4 or more account users to transfer to Office365
- ask clients complaining of high volume spam to transfer to Office365
Why Office365?
We already have a number of clients using Office365 without issue, in fact the feedback has been very positive. There is a charge but our suppliers offer a vastly superior email service for just a few £’s per month. OHM have been testing/using Office365 for the past year, it is a very good email system, so what do you get?
Depending on the level of services…
- low spam email accounts
- junk management process
- self-intuitive email intelligence (learns your good/bad messages)
- auto archiving
- mobile app
- calendar and shared calendar for groups
- 1TB cloud space
- Office programs
OHM strongly recommend Office365 for our high use email clients