Category: Covid 19

New web design for local seamstress

The wedding trades have taken a battering since Covid19 virtually closed the industry down 2 years ago. With restricted numbers at any gathering the legions of wedding businesses have disappeared. One survivor is returning client Sandra Barlow, a seamstress based in East Kent. Sandra closed her original website down just before Covid19 struck because she was too busy with mainly wedding dress design. Word of mouth referrals and some social media was enough to keep here busy. But with a change in personal circumstances and Covid restrictions lifted, she realised a website was a must have business marketing tool for the future. The new design (our first in 2022) fell...

WordPress website training update

Here at Oast House Media we’ve seen an increase in WordPress web design training requests since the Covid 19 pandemic started. Mostly existing clients either requesting a refresh, or taking advantage of the free training session we offer with every new web design. With restrictions in place we use peer to peer on-line training which has proved to be very popular. The client stays in the office and we take over their screen and walk them around the WordPress Dashboard. It takes on average just 30 minutes for a refresh, up to an hour for new clients. A typical training session will include: Dashboard overview Page and post edting Adding...

Web design enquiries increase as Covid 19 focuses business owners

There is no doubt that as predicted in our late March 20 news blog “Covid 19, an opportunity not to be missed?” the enforced lock-down has re-focused business owners and their web presence. Just this week we’ve had several new web design enquiries and 2 e-commerce shop requests for quotes. As we convert these to actual live accounts we will add to our new clients new posts There’s also the massive increase in web activity as isolated families/businesses look to find what they want on-line, many of these folk are first time users. At the moment, relying on the old ‘word of mouth’ referral simply will not cut it any...

sightcall opticians web design training

WordPress refresher training on-line

Last month we completed another WordPress training session but this time it was for an existing client who’d already had WordPress training. With Covid19 keeping everyone in lock-down we understand that many clients would like to take advantage of the spare time and update their WordPress websites. For the lock-down period, Oast House Media are offering FREE on-line WordPress training*. First up was Joe Kidd from Kent based mobile opticians Sightcall. Joe’s in South East London and self isolating with his family, however as WordPress is a cloud based application he could log-into his Dashboard from home and we accessed Joe’s device using remote access software and walked him through...

Covid 19, an opportunity not to be missed?

Firstly, can we wish you well for the coming weeks. Covid 19 is biting deep into businesses as we see many of our clients forced to close their operations after BoJo’s statement last night (23-3-20). I think we can all see that long term it’s for the good but what are the advantages of a business lock down? The good news, your website will carry on working for you 24/7, enquiries may dry up for a while but Google will carry on checking your pages and re-caching content. Experts predict a big trend towards on-line sales as more people are forced to use websites to purchase items. The fall out...