
image copyright photograph ownership in kent

Who owns the image?

Here’s a typical photo scenario, “can you take a picture of us please”, we’ve all done it – on holiday, a wedding, out with friends or family. For happy snappy photos for non-commercial use there’s not normally an ownership issue, but we’ve been asked by a client to look into an image ownership for commercial website use. In this example the business owner asked her friend to use her phone and snap a picture whilst on holiday on the beach. It was such a good photo she  wanted to use it on her new business website. But who owns the photo? Is it the person who took the photo?…or is...

corporate website and print designers in kent

The importance of corporate website and print design

New businesses without the right tutelage can bungle through their ‘branding’ without realising the potential of professional corporate design. So what is corporate design? First consider where your branding is going to be used as this may affect the design, for example (in order of resolution/quality) Work wear (embroidery) 42 Website and Social media 72 Printing (stationery/flyers) 300 Large format printing (banners/signage) 300 Vinyl signage (lettering) vector As you can see there are figures at the end of each line indicting the lines or dots per inch plus vinyl cut vector signage which is the best quality you can achieve. Once identified you can progress to a logo design remembering...

How do you get to the top of Google search results top

How to go top of Google top SEO tips

Firstly let’s be clear about what not to do and dispel a few myths about Google and SEO (search engine optimsation). As you already know, is the UK biggest and most successful search engine with nearly 90% of the entire on-line UK search market. Myths Common myths we are asked about… clicking on your Google listing like a demented woodpecker will not enhance your position buying thousands of back-links to your web pages will not enhance your position (and could get you black listed for doing this) repeating the same keyword phrase or geographical town many times (spamdexing) will not enhance your position (and could get you black listed...

On-line shopping and services enquiries surge

On-line shopping and services enquiries surge

We’re coming up to a year now since WHO announced a global pandemic. Covid 19 has been devastating for many businesses especially in the hospitality sector. see Here at OHM we’ve seen a corresponding increase in web site design and search engine optimisation enquiries. The trend is definitely towards the safe on-line environment thanks to pioneers of the service like Amazon and eBay. Stats indicate a 200% increase in on-line sales. ‘Click and Collect’ is now the new bye-word for social distancing purchases, you can even buy a car using click and collect; and they are here to stay – short term as we all work to the lock...

holistic website design google search in kent

How to go top of Google in 24hrs

Big claim but very realistic if you know how Google works and how to focus keyword phrases. Last week (22-1-21) we issued a news blog about ‘Holistic WordPress web designers‘. This week (25-1-21) the news blog is page 1 on Google (see screen sample). If you then add the area keywords of ‘Kent’ or ‘East Kent’ the search result improves to page 1, site 1 as the competition for the phrases diminishes. This was achieved within 24 hours but why did it work so well? The search phrase ‘Holistic WordPress web design’ is unique, in other words there’s not so much competition on Google (approx 5,000,000 results) from other websites...

holistic website design in kent

Holistic web design in East Kent

Holistic website design? Web pages are just part of what we call in the trade ‘web presence’. Nothing spooky going on here, we’re just stepping back and looking at the big picture from a holistic perspective. An holistic website will only work well if all the components are working together. Here’s a summary… [NEWS UPDATE: this news blog goes top of Google in 24hrs, see:] What is a website? For the browser, it’s the visual experience of seeing content, ie: images, text, animation, links; the human view but is it the most important? If you’re a search engine, it’s coding that makes the web page work, especially some of...

gruba ryba Polish fishing charity logo

Yabba-Dabba Gruba Ryba doooo

Nice change from webby stuff in the design office – request for a logo design for a Polish based children’s fishing charity. Oast House Media were asked to create a ‘cartoon’ style, happy and colourful logo design to be used to promote fishing for under 13s. The final design can be used for all media but specifically in this case for clothing. Soon to be used in Poland we wish the UK based sponsors well What did the client say: “I recently used Oast House Media to design a logo for my charity initiative. From the very first moment they were very professional and helpful . End product was exactly...

trigger happy new web design in kent

New on-line gun shop website, bang on target

It’s gone e-commerce on-line shop mad here at OHM with Covid19 restrictions hitting traditional retail hard. Old style foot fall is almost at zero but web sales are going through the roof as many retail business owners are turning to the internet. In truth Covid19 has just accelerated the trend towards web based e-shops. With Trigger Happy Guns it was more a case of getting away from eBay which if (like us) you have ever run an eBay shop you will understand, having control over your own web platform is so much more rewarding than the eBay way. This new woo-commerce shop has been put together by Oast House Media...

sandwich caravan storage web design

Caravan Storage – first website design for 2021

The office was open for just a couple of hours when we received a call from an existing client with a new business start-up. Sandwich Caravan Storage based near Ash in Kent are a new caravan storage business making the most of the UK home holiday market which is booming at the moment with fears about Covid and overseas travel. New website coming soon UPDATE: Holding page goes Google page one in 24hrs “caravan storage in Sandwich”

website hosting services in kent

New server upgrades nearing completion

Over the past new months Oast House media have been working with their hosting support guys transferring websites to our new servers. Hopefully you wont notice a thing, so why do it? As with any ‘tech’, hosting systems are improving all the time. We estimate a new server upgrade is required every 5 years to keep on top and in line with industry requirements, ie: speed, security, maintenance, integration, back-ups (key issues that are continuously monitored). All of this and investment in new equipment/software is an ongoing process. We talk to our support team nearly every day and enjoy fantastic response times. If you have ever had cause to report...