
adobe logo designers in kent

Logo design in 24 hours

Surrey based investments company Strettit contacted OHM for logo design prices. The brief was a bit vague but on a theme we’ve worked on before – Oast Houses! In fact we got the call because of our OHM 3 oast logo design. We estimated 2 hours to complete based on the clients use and style description, to assist we quickly put together a draft idea which was accepted without edit. We also supplied 4 colour variations with the green option being selected. At this point we’d only spent 30 minutes on the project and having received approval on the draft design it was a simple task of creating the same...

Google my business web page

Google My Business pages, FREE listings

As we all know Google is the biggest and most popular UK search engine enjoying over 90% of the UK search market. But did you know you can claim a FREE Google ‘My Business’ page? You might already have a free listing you know nothing about! That’s because many wears ago Google listed millions of businesses to get the service going and by using the ‘claim’ process you can take over your My Business page and edit the information Google has already given you. Recently we’ve completed two ‘claims’ for local businesses, assisting with the new content and verification process. But you can do it yourself… search your business name,...

google android road map

Where does Google Maps get its traffic data from?

What gives you the most up to date road map when you’re travelling, your car sat nav or Google Maps? The problem with the car sat nav is if you don’t keep the software up to date the map information can be wrong, whereas Google Maps is live using Android phone data. Just under 50% of all phones use the Google Android OS (operating system) in the UK. When an Android phone is turned on their Google Maps app with GPS location is enabled. Google already know what average road speeds should be from historical data and sensors on the roads, so when that changes with crowd sourced live streaming...

Is your website top of a Google search page?

Here at Oast House Media we don’t just build websites, we know that our clients also want to be top of Google. If you manage to achieve the Holy Grail of page 1, listing 1 you will see an increase in sales enquiries. If you’re not on page, your business could struggle in the future as the post Covid shift to on-line sales increases. Why Google? Google has on average over 85% of all UK search use (source Statista) followed by Bing (7%) and Yahoo (3%) – you can forget the rest including as their market share is very small. What is Google looking for and how does it...

black friday web design special offer

OHM clients get Black Friday 2021 discount boost

Every year Oast House Media offer all their clients a range of discounts as a big thanks for their continued business. We think it’s always nice to give a bit back so for example, this year we’re offering: £100 Amazon voucher for any new web design client referrals 50% off existing client second website (minimum saving £225) WordPress website upgrade (redesign) 50% off (minimum saving £100) Old HTML website upgrade (redesign) 25% off (minimum saving £75) 50% off logo re-design (minimum saving £50) 50% off any print design (minimum saving £75) FREE legal pages (terms, privacy etc) added to your website* (worth £25 each) FREE Google SEO performance and competition...

joiner holdings invoice template design microsoft printer

Microsoft Word template designs

Following on from our Microsoft Word PDF editing article this week, it’s worth mentioning some other Word creations completed last month for our long term web design clients Joiner Holdings in Herne Bay. Marketing manager David Mann was looking to update their in-house invoicing templates but lacked the design knowledge to create 3 Microsoft Word invoice designs that will work with their local office laser printers. The problem with Microsoft Word is that it is a ‘live’ document, that means it is affected by local settings, ie: fonts on the resident PC, printer tolerances, screen colours etc therefore you have to go through a trial set up design process to...

printers and print designers in Kent

Updating PDFs using Microsoft

A rare request for us, long term print design client Make Time for Music based in Folkestone have been using Oast House Media for printing and print design for nearly 10 years. Primarily web designers and Search Engine Optimisers, we don’t showcase our print as much as our web expertise but director and media consultant Nigel Stevenson was originally from a print background. Make Time for Music director James Walker wanted to move away from high volume print and distribution for his school sales literature so asked for a new design and PDF export that he could edit and customise then upload to his website. Microsoft Word like many other...

nigel stevenson media design consultancy

Nigel Stevenson Consultancy new web design

A rare moment to blow ones own trumpet, Oast House Media director Nigel Stevenson is also a media consultant working in Kent with new and established businesses on their corporate web and print design requirements. “I’ve been in the media business now for over 40 years and created the consultancy company for over 10 of these but the old website was not sending the right message. Using the content of ‘On Your Marks’ written for new businesses I’ve redesigned and populated the web pages with factual content and images. There are also many ‘top tips’ to help anyone buy media save time and money” The new web pages are packed...

who is the best web designer in Kent

Who is the best website designer in Kent?

Finding the right website designer in Kent for your business can be a daunting task, your search may not reveal the best website designer for your business either, so who is the best website designer in Kent? Here are some check points that will help.

logo designers in Kent

Logo re-design for Shelly’s Tea Rooms

Occasionally we are commissioned to design (or re-design) company logos for Kent businesses, in fact this month (October 2021) we’ve created 3 designs. 2 were part of website design projects, but the Shelly’s Tea Rooms was a logo re-design only project. The usual problem with logos are the original design has been lost or not supplied, especially with established businesses, for example: the original is not digital (old style paper artwork) the master file was not supplied to the customer (they only received the non-editable export files like JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF/PDF files) the files have been lost the owner purchased the business and the previous owner failed to supply the master file...