A rare request for us, long term print design client Make Time for Music based in Folkestone have been using Oast House Media for printing and print design for nearly 10 years. Primarily web designers and Search Engine Optimisers, we don’t showcase our print as much as our web expertise but director and media consultant Nigel Stevenson was originally from a print background.
Make Time for Music director James Walker wanted to move away from high volume print and distribution for his school sales literature so asked for a new design and PDF export that he could edit and customise then upload to his website.
Microsoft Word like many other programs has the ability to open PDFs but the editability is a bit hit or miss depending on other design elements causing conflict within the page. Trail and error was the name of the game with a successful outcome achieved after a few tweaks. James can now edit the master design for his intended target audience saving a few trees and reducing his carbon footprint in the process.
Oast House Media, website designs plus:
- Logo Design
- Print Design
- Print Production
- Print Finishing
- Print Distribution
Find out more about our print services and Microsoft Word template design services