Category: SEO

carlion locksmiths berkshire home page

New Locksmiths in Berkshire website

You've probably seen these 'wiki' posts before, short information blogs for new website designs?

sedriveways website design header

New website for Kent driveways company

Web design, galleries and SEO package

website designers in east kent

How to Research Keywords for Google SEO?

Top SEO tips for your business website

google search results website designers in kent

Tracking your website’s Google position

We reported this topic a few months ago but SEO (search engine optimisation) has changed so here’s our latest ‘best practice’ guide update. Using Google’s webmaster tools is fine and we recommend it as a great SEO tool but you can’t beat a manual test – this is how we track our Google position on Google SERPs (search engine results pages). Clear your browsing history First and foremost you MUST clear any history cached by your web browser (it changes results), on our devices using Firefox the ‘clear history’ is under the ‘history’ tab, nice and easy. Ideally you need to clear this every time you search (We’ve got an...

five web design mistakes

5 common website design fails

We’ve been designing websites for Kent businesses for nearly 20 years, in that time we’ve seen some common mistakes made buy business owners who should have gone to the professional. Here are our top five website design fails… The biggest error you can make is buy into a cheap template design like Wix or Yell Template websites simply do not work on Google, optimisation is not available and in many cases content and images are shared – Google wants to see original content. Although they advertise support, very often after the honeymoon period your calls and emails are ignored. Long term, costs are usually much higher than a pro-design. Not...

gotopseo website design seo

SEO partnership official –

Oast House Media have been working with long term marketing friend and business associate Peter Davies for nearly 10 years, OHM Director Nigel Stevenson explains how this relationship has grown into a prosperous new alliance: “Pete and I go back to the old BNI days when we met every Tuesday morning, 6.30 at Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club. We both enjoyed the open marketing that BNI offered and 6 months after joining they made me director and Pete joined me at the top table. Unfortunately Pete’s business commitments forced early retirement from BNI but we remained good friends. I would call Pete for advice or just to bounce ideas around,...

number one BB new website design in kent

Number One is No. 1 on Google in Deal, Kent

We like to keep an eye on our clients Google performance, especially new designs. Recently completed Number One B and B website is competing in a tough market with the national directories muscling in on page one of a Google search. Our WordPress website design is fighting them off with a lovely design (tho I say it myself) and a great little free SEO pack called ‘Yoast’ (plug-in), see website: for design and check the Google position yourself More about our Google SEO services

copyscape search website

How to search and stop other web users copying your content from your website

Probably one of the most dangerous games you can play – plagiarism! Get caught and the legal fees could run into £k’s. There is a modern myth on the internet that because it’s free you can use it? Images usually, stolen and used without written consent, but text content or ‘copy’ as we call it can also be stolen. Unlike an image, stolen text is a lot harder to trace so we recommend Copyscape. To check results simply enter the web page URL (address) and click search, if you match you’ll get see a list of websites using the same content. Try putting if you’re not sure. A...

new website for seo company in kent

New SEO website and business partners

SEO is the second most important element of a web page. It’s a generalisation because SEO (search engine optimisation) covers many on and off page attributes. Here at Oast House Media we’ve realised for some time that delivering a nice web page design is not enough and to expect a website with basic page content and links to achieve a Google page one position is pie in the sky. Websites need SEO and lots of it, stop smoking products, not only to get onto page one and stay there – but because everyone else on page one is also optimising their web pages. Over the past few years SEO has...