Category: home page news

Print design and production for music school

Long before the web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, Oast House Media director Nigel Stevenson was designing for print. It’s not something we advertise but it’s always nice when a print job comes into the office. Make Time for Music have been print customers for nearly 10 years so it was nice to get a new design commission from new owner James Walker. James required a flyer to promote his music tuition in schools, the design had to be DL size, quick to read and eye catching. Oast House Media sourced the free high quality images and created the design. OHM also managed the proof process, print production and delivery....

operation brock in kent

How Operation Brock could affect businesses in East Kent

Dover based web design clients LCL International are ‘Brexit Ready’ so if you want to catch up on the latest Brexit road plans for East Kent go no further than their blog page: There’s an excellent Highways England road map showing the planed phased traffic release which might affect your travel plans should Operational Tap and Operation Stack fail. This will also include a stacking system similar to the Dover Tap on the A256 approach to Whitfield, permanent traffic lights and signage is already in place. Postscript Many thanks to OHM web design client Councillor Stephen Manion (Dover) who’s emailed over these useful links about local business and Brexit...

website design for mobile devices

Low cost web design for start-up businesses in East Kent from just £450.00 inc

Not every business can afford a big budget web presence, charities and clubs struggle to find funds for websites, new business start-ups have to be careful with outgoings. These are all good reasons to consider a low cost web design – will there be a compromise on quality? No! The compromise will be on the number of pages you can have but with training you can add these yourself because all our website can be edited by the client. Our post design support and training is free so you could opt for our £450 entry level web design package that includes… first years hosting 3 web pages theme design layout...

web designers newsletter

March 2019 Web Design Newsletter now available

Our latest newsletter is now available – keeping clients up to date with all web design news and information. Every couple of months we let all our web design clients know about changes in the web design world, what’s happening on the WWW and new clients. This month we talk about… GoTopSEO, new Google SEO services available to OHM web design clients 3 clients get an OHM booster referal 4 new clients go live WordPress web design news about updates e-mail stack issues old web page upgrade to WordPress offer See: march-19-newsletter

kent tradesmen with web design by oast house media

Our web design clients get referrals to businesses in East Kent

As a local web design company in East Kent we work with many local trades and get to understand how they work and what they do. From time to time we also engage some of these trade to work for us and refer to friends and family. Last month our old buddy Pete Davies called to ask if we knew of a tree surgeon, a window fitter and a general builder to do so work in his home Tree surgeons We have three tree surgeon clients, I gave Pete their web details and client names and he went for Hartlee Tree Surgeons based in Canterbury who did some crown reduction...

spam messages

New security for WordPress log-in page

We’ve noticed an increase in some websites getting spam attacks, usually the comments area on posts which is a tad annoying as we turn comments off on posts (do you?). To try and stop anonymous comment spam we’ve added a new Captcha log-in with a simple maths question. This stops [ro]bot log-in but we’ve also added comment blocking software to help protect your web pages and our servers. Not all clients have this free service yet but as we edit and update pages we will automatically add. Are you getting comment spam? Contact OHM today and we will prioritise your installation.

sample website cleaning company in east kent

Great website referral from an existing customer

Always nice to get a referral for website design from an existing customer. In this case Lifetime Driveways cleaning partner Jet Man based in East Kent, new website coming very soon

newsletter - website design news

2019 New Year Newsletter released

We try and get a website design newsletter out to all clients every other month unless something important comes up like Google updates, WordPress news etc. Usual features includes new clients lists, existing web client re-designs, logo design and information about how to go top of Google (SEO) and Word Press design changes. This latest newsletter is available now from our Newsletter host MailChimp

website lost

Win some, lose some

We don’t win every website inquiry but we give it our best shot. For example, local sportswear supplier contacted us about an e-commerce shop with warehouse product management built in. It was going to be a big website and we needed a solution for the back-end warehouse product (SKU) control. We located and contacted a supplier who turned out to be more than a match for the requirement. Alas we didn’t get the web page design part of the gig but here’s what the owner said about us… …I cant thank you enough for your time and advice as this system appears to be (and I believe will be) exactly...