Calling all Microsoft users, Uncle Bill has decided to change your fonts!
Calibri has been the default typeface for programs like Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint for nearly 18 years. But Microsoft in all its wisdom have decided (without conjecture) to change your “body” font to Aptos. The change has left a lot of us design companies scratching our heads….
Apart from the arrogance of such a change, Microsoft have intimated that Aptos is a “better font for high resolution screens”.
Here at Oast House Media we deal with fonts on a daily basis. Fonts are a critical design tool from simple emails to desktop publishing. To be told that you will no longer use a font and have another forced onto your screens is bordering on narcissistic!
Although Bill and his Microsoft buddies think they rule the world, there are other platforms out there that do not use Microsoft, in turn they do not have Aptos in their font library, so their operating system will replace Aptos with it’s own default font of choice. This could cause a problem with layout, page depth, table cells and more.
Yes, a bit advanced but you can access the default font setting for your Microsoft program and change back to our beloved Calibri. We’ve just completed this for all our emails.
You will see a change when your Microsoft program upgrades and with space critical creations the new font will auto replace your existing body text font and possibly change the layout. Fortunately, WordPress, Google and most other professional design platforms have nothing to do with Microsoft and remain unaffected.
You decide
So here’s a sample, can you tell the difference

Calibri top, Aptos bottom