Have you every seen this in a news paper our magazine?
It’s not an overseas title you’re looking at, this is a recent Kentish Gazette publication, can you understand it?
Here at OHM we’ve been using ‘body type’ for visuals, mock-ups and dummy web pages for many years. It’s a block of text added to a design before the final text is ready to use.
In this case the KG page designer forgot to take the mock-up out, what’s more the proof readers didn’t spot it – oops!
Very rare and this example caused a lot of interest on social media, but mistakes happen
Example of “Lorem ipsus” body type:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus faucibus elit a nibh. Donec nec felis in augue mollis facilisis. Nam at massa. Vestibulum non orci. Vestibulum velit. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque a diam. Nam porta egestas nulla.