Category: Ebay

Athenaeum Treasury web design

New website for memorabilia shop

Athenaeum Treasury based near Canterbury have had an Ebay presence for some time and built up a large collection of memorabilia for sale. However, as with most Ebay shop owners the commission payments and rigorous selling regulations make some Ebay shop owners to look for alternatives. Owner Nick was in a similar situation, not wanting to completely divorce the Ebay relationship but to enhance his shops overall web presence with an independent shop window OHM also assisted with the new branding and logo design that can be used not Tony for websites and social media but if required: wide format printing, lith printing, adverts and even workwear. see website:

On-line shopping and services enquiries surge

On-line shopping and services enquiries surge

We’re coming up to a year now since WHO announced a global pandemic. Covid 19 has been devastating for many businesses especially in the hospitality sector. see Here at OHM we’ve seen a corresponding increase in web site design and search engine optimisation enquiries. The trend is definitely towards the safe on-line environment thanks to pioneers of the service like Amazon and eBay. Stats indicate a 200% increase in on-line sales. ‘Click and Collect’ is now the new bye-word for social distancing purchases, you can even buy a car using click and collect; and they are here to stay – short term as we all work to the lock...