Category: company (Oast House Media)

gotopseo website design seo

SEO partnership official –

Oast House Media have been working with long term marketing friend and business associate Peter Davies for nearly 10 years, OHM Director Nigel Stevenson explains how this relationship has grown into a prosperous new alliance: “Pete and I go back to the old BNI days when we met every Tuesday morning, 6.30 at Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club. We both enjoyed the open marketing that BNI offered and 6 months after joining they made me director and Pete joined me at the top table. Unfortunately Pete’s business commitments forced early retirement from BNI but we remained good friends. I would call Pete for advice or just to bounce ideas around,...

monthly clients newsletter

June 17 Newsletter

Every month we issue a web design newsletter for all clients covering recent web issues, new WordPress website designs, existing client re-designs and company news. This month we profile: Windows XP hack and the ransomewear threat Number 1 B & B top of Google CopyScape plagiarism – check your content More clients use our SPF Anti-Spam filters New client website designs Old clients WordPress web conversions OHM Directors meet Chris Kamara in Tenerife (charity golf) Holiday message, office closed in July see website design newsletter page

monthly clients newsletter

New Newsletter page

All clients receive a monthly newsletter to keep everyone up to date with new clients, new website designs, latest case studies, Google, SEO and many other web, print and design in general interests. We know from our Mailchimp Newsletter Platform that there is a high click through rate and interest in general about what we have to say. The Newsletter link will be on all emails so new clients can see what we have posted in the past month. see latest newsletter

yellow pages

50 years of Yell!

Each year we watch the yearly doorstep delivery of the Yellow Pages get thinner and thinner. This years edition is no different and also proudly boasting 50 years ‘connecting buyers and sellers’. There’s no doubt back in the day this was your first port of call when you needed something and also well supported by some famous adverts, but what’s gone wrong? I’m willing to bet a small wager that most of you haven’t picked up a Yellow Pages in the past 5 years, I’m also willing to double or quits that wager with a prediction you used a web search engine, probably Google instead? That’s why your business has...

website page and email server hosting in kent

Server upgrade completed

Message to all clients to let you know the server upgrade was completed at 8.30 this morning. No reported issues Many thanks to all clients for their co-operation and a big thanks and well done to our excellent support team

website design for mobile devices

Why use us for your web design?

If you Google “website designers in Kent”, or “East Kent” you will probably find a list of good quality designers profiling their work on some very nice websites. If you’re looking for a new website designer that may sway your decision process, ie… They’re top of google in their own trade Their own website is nicely designed And to be honest that’s a great start so why look any further? A website is not just for Christmas Sorry to use the C word in September but it is important to remember your website designer is a long term business partner, so will they… Reply to your email questions quickly? Pick...

brexit website design

Brexit, how will it change web design

In a word and to save you reading this news feed – not a lot! In fact I can only think of one piece of legislation that impacted on web design and that was the cookie rules, which by the way only the UK adhered to! Fortunately there are very few rules us web designers have to abide by and most of them are to do with publication law. Copyright is important, hence the header image was paid for and supplied by an image library, but in general most of the rules are made up by: devices reading web pages, ie: mobile phones, ipads etc delivery speeds, ie: broadband, 4G,...

website design proposal email

Our prices and quoting process

Some web design companies are a bit cagey about their pricing structure but here at Oast House media, we offer an open tariff that can fit every business budget.

companies house

Limited Company? – what you have to disclose by law on your website and emails

On my travels I meet many businesses, some of them are limited companies. In 2008 there was a bit of a shake up with the information you must disclose on your letterheads, emails etc The biggest change was that the new laws embraced the internet, specifically emails, recognising them as official methods of correspondence. In other words you have to now disclose the company’s registered information in full on all correspondence See: Now, you’re probably thinking that 2008 was a long time ago, but I’ll wager a small amount of your money that if you checked your email archive a large number of your Limited Company messages do not...