Category: case study

New website for Ivy

Neil Carrington contacted Oast House Media earlier in the month requesting a WordPress upgrade for his old static page design (Garden Services) plus a new 4 page website for his new business – Ivy Removal. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of removing ivy from your property you will know it is a gardeners nightmare, but did you know it’s poisonous? It’s also very difficult to completely eradicate, leave one tiny bit of the plant and in the right conditions it will grow back. That’s why Neil identified this niche area in the gardening services market and requested the new website, complimenting the existing services already offer on the main...

jetman website design

Jetman takes off with new website

Long term web design and SEO client Lifetime Driveways have partnered up with Kent based Power Wash company Jetman. Problem is – they didn’t have a website! Well they have now, the new web pages break down the services Jetman offer and compliment Lifetime Driveways exceptional landscaping services. The new website showcases ‘before and after’ cleaning projects using powerful interactive galleries.

canterbury airport transfers website re-design

Canterbury Airport Transfers website grounded

Another Facebook inquiry, this time from Canterbury based Airport Transfers revealed an old car crash website. For years the existing website failed to function, took browsers to other competitors and complaints went unanswered – time to move on said owners Kieran and Sheldon. The new WordPress design is in progress and will also include a logo re-design and copy writing by co-director Wendy Stevenson. The new design will also include Google Places Maps to show pick-up points and destinations.

Classic car club new website

A chance meeting at another web design clients retirement party has morphed into a new website for The Kent Classic and Sports Car Club. OHM Director Nigel Stevenson was attending Roger Rouse, 21st Century Hearing director’s retirement party earlier in the year when one of the guests asked what he did, the following conversation converted to a web design project for one of Kent’s long established and very active classic car clubs. Based in The Medway Towns, Kent, the new website when completed will re-launch the club’s web presence and help recruit new members.