
kent tradesmen with web design by oast house media

Our web design clients get referrals to businesses in East Kent

As a local web design company in East Kent we work with many local trades and get to understand how they work and what they do. From time to time we also engage some of these trade to work for us and refer to friends and family. Last month our old buddy Pete Davies called to ask if we knew of a tree surgeon, a window fitter and a general builder to do so work in his home Tree surgeons We have three tree surgeon clients, I gave Pete their web details and client names and he went for Hartlee Tree Surgeons based in Canterbury who did some crown reduction...

spam messages

New security for WordPress log-in page

We’ve noticed an increase in some websites getting spam attacks, usually the comments area on posts which is a tad annoying as we turn comments off on posts (do you?). To try and stop anonymous comment spam we’ve added a new Captcha log-in with a simple maths question. This stops [ro]bot log-in but we’ve also added comment blocking software to help protect your web pages and our servers. Not all clients have this free service yet but as we edit and update pages we will automatically add. Are you getting comment spam? Contact OHM today and we will prioritise your installation.

jetman website design

Jetman takes off with new website

Long term web design and SEO client Lifetime Driveways have partnered up with Kent based Power Wash company Jetman. Problem is – they didn’t have a website! Well they have now, the new web pages break down the services Jetman offer and compliment Lifetime Driveways exceptional landscaping services. The new website showcases ‘before and after’ cleaning projects using powerful interactive galleries.

canterbury airport transfers website

Airport transfers new website design goes live

Last month we blogged that Canterbury based airport transfers company Canterbury Airport Transfers had commissioned a new WordPress website. This is a very competitive market so a top web design with good SEO was required but to achieve we also needed to supply: new logo design graphic design free images copy writing SEO content Google map design We took a look at the competition and realised none of them use Google’s powerful ‘my maps’ software. With this free service you can create your own maps and locations. We built one a few years ago for a local restaurant, since then Google have added some great new features that help enhance...

sample website cleaning company in east kent

Great website referral from an existing customer

Always nice to get a referral for website design from an existing customer. In this case Lifetime Driveways cleaning partner Jet Man based in East Kent, new website coming very soon

canterbury airport transfers website re-design

Canterbury Airport Transfers website grounded

Another Facebook inquiry, this time from Canterbury based Airport Transfers revealed an old car crash website. For years the existing website failed to function, took browsers to other competitors and complaints went unanswered – time to move on said owners Kieran and Sheldon. The new WordPress design is in progress and will also include a logo re-design and copy writing by co-director Wendy Stevenson. The new design will also include Google Places Maps to show pick-up points and destinations.

newsletter - website design news

2019 New Year Newsletter released

We try and get a website design newsletter out to all clients every other month unless something important comes up like Google updates, WordPress news etc. Usual features includes new clients lists, existing web client re-designs, logo design and information about how to go top of Google (SEO) and Word Press design changes. This latest newsletter is available now from our Newsletter host MailChimp

eythorne building new website

Local builder helps build website!

Local builder Eythorne Building Contractors based near Dover requested a re-design of their old web pages earlier in the year. Oast House Media developed the new WordPress website to a base stage and then with WordPress training, handed it over to their staff. Working with very little assistance from us they managed to compete a very respectable design adding galleries, posts and creating new pages. see website:

Classic car club new website

A chance meeting at another web design clients retirement party has morphed into a new website for The Kent Classic and Sports Car Club. OHM Director Nigel Stevenson was attending Roger Rouse, 21st Century Hearing director’s retirement party earlier in the year when one of the guests asked what he did, the following conversation converted to a web design project for one of Kent’s long established and very active classic car clubs. Based in The Medway Towns, Kent, the new website when completed will re-launch the club’s web presence and help recruit new members.

website lost

Win some, lose some

We don’t win every website inquiry but we give it our best shot. For example, local sportswear supplier contacted us about an e-commerce shop with warehouse product management built in. It was going to be a big website and we needed a solution for the back-end warehouse product (SKU) control. We located and contacted a supplier who turned out to be more than a match for the requirement. Alas we didn’t get the web page design part of the gig but here’s what the owner said about us… …I cant thank you enough for your time and advice as this system appears to be (and I believe will be) exactly...