Probably one of the most dangerous games you can play – plagiarism! Get caught and the legal fees could run into £k’s. There is a modern myth on the internet that because it’s free you can use it? Images usually, stolen and used without written consent, but text content or ‘copy’ as we call it can also be stolen. Unlike an image, stolen text is a lot harder to trace so we recommend Copyscape.
To check results simply enter the web page URL (address) and click search, if you match you’ll get see a list of websites using the same content. Try putting if you’re not sure.
A search on our website was clear of results but have you used copy from other websites? Be warned, if you use other website content without permission for commercial use it could be painful.
That’s why we offer a comprehensive web page and SEO content service for all clients, original content with your specific SEO campaign in mind from our SEO partners GoTopSEO.
see website: