W Pinkham & Son Limited were a world famous glove manufacturer spanning 2 centuries. Worn by the rich and famous W Pinkham & Son Limited were at the top of their game up to 1966. In an era when “a lady is known by her shoes and her gloves” the Pinkham Glove was renowned for quality.
Archivist and great, great grandson of founders William and Rebecca, Nick Pinkham was strugling with his GoDaddy website. GoDaddy support was virtually non-existant so he turned to the professionals!
Nick gave us a clear and detailed requirements which included the BeaverBuilder page design plug-in which we installed as a preference to our usual plug-in. After WordPress training, Nick was able to update and add content himself keeping costs down to a minimum
What did the client say?
“This is a gem of a company right on my doorstep. Having hit the rocks with GoDaddy I spoke with Nigel at Oast House Media about helping me with my legacy website. It was clear from the start that not only was there a high degree of technical competence but delivering a customer focused service was what counted and that’s what I needed. From day one to ‘go live’ everything rolled out as planned, on time and without any drama. I’m looking forward to keeping in touch and keeping my website in fine shape with Oast House Media.” Nick Pinkham pinkhamgloves.co.uk (see reviews page)
see website: pinkhamgloves.co.uk