We’ve had a few clients contact us about the various web security requirements that are due to be invoked over the coming months. Some will affect all websites, some will only affect a few but here’s an OHM summary…
Server updates
We’re making good progress having started moving clients from the aging Centos5 server to Centos7 allowing us to offer all our clients better security options like
- TLS 1.2, this will be a requirement from June 18 for anyone taking PayPal payments
- HTTPS, this will be a requirement for all websites from July 18 as defined by Google
see: oasthousemedia.co.uk/google-forces-web-security-changes-https - Cookies notice, all WordPress and e-commerce websites use cookies therefore they require a cookies notice like this website: fairviewgardens.co.uk
When we’ve completed the server upgrade we will contact all clients who have been transferred to discuss what you need and when.
Note: We emailed all clients using Perl scripts on their web pages Tue 27/03/2018. If you received this email you need to contact us ASAP
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
If as a business owner you hold any ‘personal data’, in other words any information that identifies an individual, you need to be aware of GDPR.
Every business uses ‘personal data’ and stores the information in different ways on a range of devices. GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive, here at OHM Nigel Stevenson is the data controller responsible for ensuring the clients ‘personal data’ is safe and secure. OHM also make statements on their website to ensure that all website users and clients are aware of policies in place (see bottom of the page).
There are fines for non-believers so we recommend that all clients look carefully into this new EU directive, see: ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr