We’re coming up to a year now since WHO announced a global pandemic. Covid 19 has been devastating for many businesses especially in the hospitality sector. see sky.com
Here at OHM we’ve seen a corresponding increase in web site design and search engine optimisation enquiries. The trend is definitely towards the safe on-line environment thanks to pioneers of the service like Amazon and eBay. Stats indicate a 200% increase in on-line sales.
‘Click and Collect’ is now the new bye-word for social distancing purchases, you can even buy a car using click and collect; and they are here to stay – short term as we all work to the lock down rules, long term as these new services are preferred to old school contact processes.
There is no doubt that the businesses (that could) who have moved towards on-line sales and services have prospered better than those who thought they could just weather the storm.
Secrets to on-line success?
You need to have a good quality web presence…
- web pages with clear professional images and well written content
- easy to use navigation
- clear and easy to follow ‘1 click’ access to your products or services
- consistent and robust Google presence
Common sense more than a secret, but the obvious ones are…
- make it clear on your website that you are open and trading
- offer alternatives to the traditional ‘walk in’ style service
- be available to take and respond to the enquiry
- check your web pages offer a clear picture of what you sell or do
- be clear about your Covid 19 policy
It is sometimes a good health test of your web pages to survey users, even if they are family/friends, the feedback can be very useful.
And don’t forget – ask how your new customers found you and build a picture for future marketing
For more information about about any of the above contact us