OHM have been aware of the Google QDF algorithm for some time and used it to delivery page 1 national search status for clients i the past.
QDF means Query Deserves Freshness and is a Google ranking factor served up when a search query uses search terms that match a ‘spike’ of data requests.
In laymans terms if Google is being hit with a spike of similar searches Google will change its search algorithm to find recent content rather than quality content. You can see this every day with news trends like a statement from the PM, corona virus and sports news etc. When you search for that information the Google server delivers a timed or dated result.
Our client QDF results
Last week the UK Government issued a statement about banning ‘wet’ log sales as part of the 2019 Clean Air Act. That statement affected 4 of our web clients who were all contacted and advised to make a statement via their news blogs to explain exactly what the government was up to.
Canterbury based clients Heat Design sell logs and log burning stoves, the potential impact on sales could be devastating for their business so having consulted the directors OHM placed a news post onto the home page clarifying the government statement.
At the same time Google was being hit with ‘log’ based searches so the QDF algorithm started to rank new posts and pages above the normal search results. Our client found itself on top spot nationally, in most cases top of page one!
The implications for the QDF used correctly are massive for any business, so if you see a news item that affects your business – QDF it!
see website new post: heatdesignkent.co.uk/are-wood-burning-stoves-to-be-banned-in-2021
see results below: