What is a web page Favicon logo?

favicon logos for websites

Have you ever wondered what the little logo is called that sits next to the address bar on your web browser? You see them on every website, usually it’s the default favicon logo supplied with your browser but increasingly the logo is customised to match the owners corporate logo.

What is Favicon?
Favicon is an abbreviation for ‘favourite icon’ and was recognised for the first time in 1999 when Microsoft introduced IE4 (internet explored 4).

favicon logo - Oast House MediaThe file is usually very small, just 16 x 16 pixels/” and needs to be ‘coded’ into the <head> content of all web pages, like this: <link rel=”icon” href=”favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon” />. Our WordPress website themes can easily load these icons via the theme ID fields.

You can design your own Favicon logo very easily – see: www.favicon.cc but here at Oast House Media we design and add the image including the coding free of charge as part of the new/re-design of your website.

Take a look along the top of this web page to see our Favicon (and if you have other web pages open – other designs)


Not got a Favicon?
Contact us for a bespoke Favicon logo design.