An e-commerce shop client contacted OHM this week asking us to discuss a Woo-Commerce (WordPress shop plug-in) upgrade with a PayPal representative.
We took the call from an Irish sounding male who calmly explained PayPal were upgrading security which required a plug-in installation for Woo-Commerce.
But we wasn’t going to fall for that!
During the call we Googled the phone number “who is calling me” [phone number] which uncovered a scam caller impersonating PayPal. During the call we confronted the gentleman with this information but he said this is not uncommon, in fact he said it was good to check and offered to send an email authenticating his credentials. Said email duly arrived (see below)…
But we wasn’t going to fall for that either!
Having politely terminated the call we referred our concerns back to the client suggesting he called PayPal. The clients account manager confirmed it was indeed a scam call (a very good one at that).
OHM are experience scam spotters, this was a good one. But we didn’t fall for this one!
Never hesitate to contact us if you are unsure. The fix could be expensive £!

PayPal woo-commerce plug-in scam caller email