Dear client
Despite all the unrest in the world we hope you’ve had a successful 2024? There is no doubt we are living in difficult times, but rest assured your website is working for you 24/7.Of course, we can make that presence grow to a wider audience and to support that we have a…
NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER* for OHM clients only.FREE website report including:
- Keyword phrase assessment (are you profiling on Google?)
- Competition check (who are you up against?)
- Web page content analysis (is your page content hitting the sweet spot?)
Claim big discounts:
Our sister company are also complimenting the above with:
- 50% off the first 3 months Google SEO campaign management (worth from £180)
- £100 cash a year for a Google SEO campaign management referral
- FREE SEO web page updates for OHM clients using the GoTopSEO services inc: new pages, enhanced reporting, on-page SEO updates.

Claim your prize
- An Amazon Gift Card worth £100 for a new client web design referral
- A FREE round of golf including breakfast for a client spending over £500 (and for the non-golfers, a £50 credit that can be redeemed against any service)
Contact Nigel today for more information: 07931 376 255
Other news

New clients
A warm welcome to our new clients who have joined us during 2024, we hope you enjoy our newsletters and don’t forget we are here to answer any of your queries. See new client’s portfolio:

Putting something back
One of our new print design clients, Thanington Parish Church contacted us in the summer not knowing OHM director Nigel Stevenson was a Thanington parishioner in his youth, The Rev Nick and Christa requested logo and banner designs. It was a pleasure to complete both without charge to help support their family hub work in the local area.
Oast House Media also support local charities and non-profit organisation through donations and discounted rates.

2024 Audit
All done! It was a bit of a mammoth task but we got there in the end with no major issues. A few clients using the Envira Gallery plug-in had some options to choose, we also had PHP upgrades affecting some themes and plug-ins but with the assistance of our support team we are in good shape for the future.

New services
Some of our older clients will be aware of our photography services but having let our old kit slip behind we didn’t promote this part of our web/log/print core services.
But, after some canny investment, we are back with some very affordable photography options for print and web clients alike using top of the range Canon cameras and lenses.
Recent projects include: luxury accommodation, warehouse and storage, promotional products, office and staff photos.

Our chosen web design platform continues to outperform all competition as a world leading web design and Google SEO platform (43.5% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress – source:
We’ve also seen a steady stream of disgruntled Wix and GoDaddy clients contacting us with their tales of woe. We offer a discounted conversion solution for these new clients:
If you know anyone banging their head against a wall of Google SEO failure and no support, take advantage of our new client referral special offers above.

Christmas office hours
Our office will close from Friday 20th Dec to Mon 6th Jan 2025 but we will continue to monitor calls and emails throughout the festive season.
Thanks for reading this far and on behalf of all the team, have a Merry Christmas and with out help, a prosperous new year

*NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER ends 1st Feb 2025. Terms apply. Offer not available for ongoing projects. |