Our excursions into school web designs are sadly few and far between mainly because of the Ofsted requirements, head teachers tend to feel more comfortable with a specialist school web design companies.
Having just completed Folkestone based Castle Hill Primary/Nursery School’s website we can see why. Ofsted lay down some tough rules about expected content/conformity with stiff penalties for out of date or no content where required.
OHM spent a considerable amount of time sifting through the many guidance web pages and highlighted areas that may require investigation on the old Wix website.
The web design process itself was the same as any new web design but as there were a large number of web pages to process so we created a page flow diagram so both the client (head teacher and business manager) and OHM design could track the progress

WordPress training day L to R: Sophie, Layla, Sue and Nigel Stevenson (OHM MD)
Having completed the website the Castle Hill Primary web admin team were keen to complete the free WordPress training we offer as part of the design package. This was completed on-site with the customary packet of Hobnobs!
see website: castlehill.kent.sch.uk
What did the client say?
“We found Nigel to be extremely knowledgeable and he was very thorough in his approach to updating our site. He was very willing to adapt to any changes that we suggested and I was impressed by his own willingness to take on new challenges. He provided the staff with comprehensive training and we are very pleased with the result. I would certainly recommend him to other schools or businesses”.
Pete Talbot Headteacher, Castle Hill Community Primary School