New client Faversham Feet were looking for a new WordPress website to promote their services on Google. Having already selected a great web name, business owner Gemma had the simple task of writing up copy for 3 pages and supply of images.

services page images
Not for the feint hearted, some of the images were pretty gruesome but important for Gemma and here potential new clients, so a well designed services page was very important and a great opportunity to get high value Google keyword phrases into the website
Oast House Media also designed the company logo for a previous printing project so all the colours were pre-determined.
see website: favershamfeet.co.uk
what did the client say: “Having started and never finished a website several times myself over 4 years, I decided it was finally time to get a professional to build one for me! Nigel was fantastic from start to finish. He let me know what he needed from me and built the site around what I gave him in no time at all. The training he gave on completion was excellent and allows me to make small changes to the site myself without the need to keep paying for minor alterations as so many companies will have you do. Thank you so much!”
Gemma. Faversham Feet.