Category: new website design

Classic car club new website

A chance meeting at another web design clients retirement party has morphed into a new website for The Kent Classic and Sports Car Club. OHM Director Nigel Stevenson was attending Roger Rouse, 21st Century Hearing director’s retirement party earlier in the year when one of the guests asked what he did, the following conversation converted to a web design project for one of Kent’s long established and very active classic car clubs. Based in The Medway Towns, Kent, the new website when completed will re-launch the club’s web presence and help recruit new members.

dover western heights home page website design

Historical fortress in Dover gets a new website

With out FREE training package the team took over in May and have been busily updating the web pages, post and galleries we designed for them.

carlion locksmiths berkshire home page

New Locksmiths in Berkshire website

You've probably seen these 'wiki' posts before, short information blogs for new website designs?

joiner holdings website design home page

Joiner Holdings business units new website design

Joiner Holdings business units new website design

LCL website design home page

Dover freight company new website live

Dover freight company new WordPress website live

ellenden glamping holidays in east kent

Ellenden Glamping Holidays new website

New wave holiday company putting the 'G' into Glamping in East Kent, owner Blair Hart commissions a new website to promote Glamping Holidays at the family farm - Ellenden

Kent tile centre website design

Kent Tile Centre Canterbury, new website design

old for new WordPress website re-design design goes live.

dover western heights new website

Dover Western Heights volunteers get a new website

New website for Dover charity

sedriveways website design header

New website for Kent driveways company

Web design, galleries and SEO package

Manor Road doctors surgery wordpress website

Doctor’s surgery website much better now!

Doctors WordPress website re-design